Reading time: 3 min 30.05.2023


Weight scales are often causing us stress and frustration, but with the right approach, they can become your ally in achieving and maintaining your ideal weight. Here’s how the scale can become a valuable tool for accomplishing your health goals.  

 1. Set realistic expectations

Set realistic expectationsRemember that body weight can fluctuate day-by-day (even within a single day) due to various factors, such as water retention, digestive cycles, hormones, and muscle mass. For women, hormonal changes that affect weight are also reflected on the scale. This frequent weight gain and loss does not represent your actual weight.

Instead of solely focusing on the number on the scale, also consider other progress indicators, such as your energy levels, fitness, and more.

Also, try to make your scheduled activities more flexible and enjoyable, since we all know our daily responsibilities don’t always allow us to work out or run at a time we planned. Be kind to yourself.

2. Establish a weight measuring routine

Avoid checking your weight daily, as minor fluctuations can demotivate you. Instead, select a specific day of the week or month for weighing, to gain a more accurate understanding of your long-term progress.

3. Measure your weight in the same or similar conditions

Scales can display different results depending on the time of day. To get more precise results, follow these tips:Establish a weight measuring routine

  • Weigh yourself at the same time, preferably in the morning, before breakfast.
  • Before weighing, make sure that the digital scale is positioned on a flat, solid, and stable surface.
  • Stand still and upright on the scale, balancing your weight evenly on both legs.

4. Pay attention to trends

Rather than stressing over each individual result, observe how your body weight changes over time. Depending on your goals, a gradual decrease, or maintaining your desired weight at a certain level, both mean that you’re moving in the right direction.

5. Use the scale as a motivation, not as a punishment

Instead of viewing the number on the scale as a failure or a punishment, use it as motivation for further improvement. If you notice weight gain, consider your dietary and exercise habits, and adjust them to align with your goals.

6. Get the right support

Get the right supportShare your goals and challenges with a supportive person, such as a friend or a family member. Having someone to discuss your accomplishments and obstacles with can provide that extra motivation and support.

Bear in mind that body weight isn’t the sole indicator of your health. Focus on adopting wholesome eating habits, regular exercise, and nurturing your overall well-being. A weight scale can be a handy tool for tracking progress, but it’s crucial to maintain a balance, and not let the numbers on the scale influence your happiness and confidence.

If you’re ready to achieve that healthy lifestyle, consider our range of Tesla scales for body weight measurement.

Additional tips

  • Never weigh yourself immediately after a meal, or after a workout.
  • A kilogram of fat and a kilogram of muscle weigh the same, but look drastically different. Muscles occupy significantly less space in the body than fat. Hence, it’s crucial to know your body fat percentage.
  • Certain medications, like insulin, antidepressants, and some antiepileptic drugs, could contribute to weight gain. Always consult your doctor about the potential side effects of any medication you’re taking, whether prescribed or over-the-counter.
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