Reading time: 3 min 07.06.2023


When it comes to food preparation, the gas stove has been the favorite choice of many professional chefs around the world for decades. However, despite its popularity, there are several misconceptions that accompany this device. In this blog, we’ll be debunking the biggest gas stove myths and provide you with the correct information to help you make the right decision when it comes to choosing the best stove for your kitchen.

Myth: A gas stove is dangerous because of the possibility of gas leaks.

Breaking the myths around gas cooking!Facts: One of the most common misconceptions is that gas stoves are more dangerous than electric stoves due to potential gas leaks. However, modern gas stoves are equipped with advanced safety systems that automatically cut off the gas supply in case of a leak or malfunction. Inbuilt sensors are responsible for detecting any leakage and automatically shut off the gas supply.

Myth: Cooking with gas is more expensive than cooking with an electric stove.

Facts: In reality, cooking with gas might actually be more efficient and cheaper when compared with cooking with an electric stove. A gas stove heats up and cools down faster, which allows for greater temperature control and a reduction in the time it takes to prepare food. Furthermore, the majority of gas stoves have high energy efficiency, which leads to less gas consumption over a longer period of time. In addition, Tesla gas stoves have a very efficient gas burner designed for faster cooking.

Myth: A gas stove isn’t ecologically friendly.

Breaking the myths around gas cooking!

Facts: While it is true that gas burns and emits gases into the atmosphere, modern gas stoves are designed to minimize harmful emissions. New models of gas stoves have high energy efficiency and use technology that reduces gas emissions. Also, gas is a cleaner source of energy compared to fossil fuels that are used to generate electricity.

In any case, whatever stove you have, it is recommended that you use a range hood during food preparation.

If that’s not enough to reassure you, you can always use an air purifier: Air purifiers can improve indoor air quality. Choose an air purifier that cleans and emits purified air at a high speed, and in accordance with the size of your kitchen or other room where a gas appliance is located.

Myth: A gas stove is harder to maintain than an electric one.

Facts: Gas stoves may require a little more attention, however are not harder to maintain than electric stoves. Regular cleaning and maintenance of a gas stove, as well as correct usage, can extend its life. In addition, electric stoves often need the heaters replaced or other electrical components over time, which can be more expensive and problematic.

Another great advantage of owning a gas stove is the ability to prepare food even when there is no electricity.

If you are looking for a gas stove for your kitchen, take a look at our range of Tesla gas stoves, or combined gas hobs, and choose the model that best suits your needs.


We hope that with this blog we have helped you to debunk the biggest misconceptions about gas cooking. Despite popular myths, gas stoves are safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and provide precise temperature control when cooking. Before making a decision on the choice of stove for your kitchen, it’s important to inform yourself about the facts and take into account your needs and preferences.

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